I’m certainly no expert in this area. In fact, other than maxing credit cards I have no actual expertise. However, I will tell you how we do it, and just maybe we’ll have something in common. Traveling with your family is supposed to be an enjoyable time. Ha, you say. Try travelling with my crew, you say. I hear you. I really do. We once experienced our fifteen minutes of fame when traveling became too much for our littlest one. However, since then, I have discovered that through all of our best intentions to be good parents, and ensure our children see the world, and enjoy the sights when making a trek, well, to anywhere, there is really no substitute for screen time. So, basically, we survive with lots and lots of screen time. Screen time that would make your parenting-experts weep. Screen time that would make your righteous mom-friends cringe. I was once like you. I purchased goodie-bags and traveling car games in the vain hope that my children would engage with me in good old-fashioned travel fun. We would enjoy the sights and learn along the way. And then I traveled with my children and realized very quickly that it wouldn’t just be autism that would reject my best intention-ed travel plans, but my so-called ‘typical-child’ would laugh in the face of my ‘license-plate bingo’. Our current obsession is downloading our favorite Netflix shows. The kids will indulge in a little Project MC2 or Dinotrux. Alex prefers The Punisher and when I’m not online shopping for my current obsession, drapes and curtains, I’ll indulge in Supernatural, of course. So, there it is. My one and only trick to make travel a little easier. It might not be ground-breaking advice but I can promise it works.
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AuthorA mom like you. Archives
September 2019
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