When a negative event influences our lives, it can be extremely difficult to continue life as usual. But when these experiences happen to our children, the lack of control over their emotional experience can become overwhelmingly stressful and worrying. However, negative experiences are part of everybody’s lives, and there are some very useful steps you can take towards being as supportive as possible when your child is in a difficult situation. As soon as you accept the situation, you will be able to begin the journey of recovery with your son or daughter.
Understanding the Signs Children do not respond to distressing events in the same way thatadults do. Therefore, some of their behavior may seem confusing but could be symptomatic of childhood trauma, which includes: • Reverting to early childhood behaviors • Complaints of physical problems • Develop unfounded fears • Increased aggression • Avoidance of feelings As such, be cognizant of your children’s unique way of expressing their pain, and how best to respond to it. Create a Safe Space Although the distressing event that your child is experiencing is not something that you can control, you are able to create and encourage open communication between your family and thechild. There are a variety of ways that you can create a safe space for your child after a traumatic event. Begin by encouraging them with open-ended questions that do not demand an answer, do not judge any of the reflections of their experience, and it goes without saying that physical signs of affection are as powerful as words. Ask for Support When a traumatic event occurs, it can be easy to shift into protective overdrive, as a parent will always see negative elements in their child’s life as a reflection of their parenting, even if they know that this event was out of their control. It is important to resist trying to take on all the stress of your child’s problem and to ask for support from family and friends when you are feeling strained by the incident. Remember to continue your usual routinetoo – this includes social engagements and hobbies. Assess Whether to Claim Compensation Although emotional support is imperative to the recovery of your child, if any element of this harmful experience was not their fault, then your child is legally entitled to compensation. It is then the responsibility of the parent or guardian to take action in relation to personal injury claims on behalf of their child. There are many incidents that can be compensated for, these include: • Hotel accidents • Road traffic accidents (including during a bus journey) • Dog bites • Horse riding injuries • Injuries at a supermarket or swimming pool Regardless of the type of distressing experience that your child has been through, there are some key ways that you can support them towards a happy and healthy recovery after this difficult time. It is always important to remember that there are no right or wrong ways to achieve recovery - but if you remain open-minded and responsible, you’ll be sure to help your child recover fully.
Getting back to work after a break to have a baby can be very daunting. When you’ve spent a couple of years raising your kids, it’s easy to lose touch with what’s going on in the world. For several years your only concern has been providing a safe and nurturing environment, keeping the house tidy and cleaning up after your little darlings. Then, the time comes when they’re off to school and you’ll be left with some time on your hands.
What do you want to do with it? Do you think you’re up to the challenge of returning to work and juggling family life with a new career? You’ve been out of the game for a while, so there are a few steps you need to take first. Take Stock and Reflect Before you get too deep into looking for gainful employment, spend some time reflecting. Think about what you’ve accomplished in your life so far and whether going back to work is really what you want. Think about the goals you had for your life before the patter of tiny feet and have you actually achieved them? Are there any you can revisit, or is it going to be better if you make some more? Have your interests changed? Would you like to try something completely different? Take a Break Something else you can do before jumping back into work is to spend some time relaxing and enjoying some ‘you’ time. Your kids are out at school all day and you might have a lot on your mind, so do yourself a favor and take a break, enjoy a few weeks doing nothing but concentrating on yourself. Find some things to do that will take your mind off this new chapter in your life, and you’ll feel energized and refreshed. You might also experience an ‘a-ha’ moment when everything suddenly becomes clear. Even if you’re not actively thinking about your future career, your brain is working things out and finding a valid solution. Reconnect Go back to your roots and get in touch with people that matter to you most. You’ve been living in a whirlwind of diapers, shopping trips, doctors visits; in fact, everything possible that’s kiddy related. It’s time to reconnect with the people you know best such as family, friends and your significant other. There are also going to be old colleagues, role models, mentors, and others with similar values to yours. Reconnect with others and you’ll find you learn more about who you are because you’ve finally got people you can share your struggles, dreams, frustrations, and ambitions with. Let’s be honest, little Jimmy might have been a great listener, but at 2 years old there was little constructive advice he could offer. Ask people’s advice on your next move and you’ll find everyone you talk to will have something different to say. Not only that, but you’ll also get some feedback on how you’ve handled things and adapted in the past. Consider Freelancing This is an option that works for a working mom because of the flexibility it allows. You might not think there are people who would be willing to pay for your writing skills, for example, but you might be surprised. Freelancing is also a great way to expand your portfolio and explore areas you might have been interested in previously. Believe it or not, it’s also yet another opportunity to learn more about yourself. You learn how to manage a project from beginning to end, starting with sourcing a client through to delivering the end product. You might find there are certain parts of the cycle you enjoy more than others. Go Back to College Never underestimate the value of education. Not only can you improve your current skill set by gaining an extra qualification, but it also enables you to move onto another career path or take your career to a new level. If, for example, you were enjoying a general nursing career before kids came along, now might be the time to explore a more management focused role. In which case, you might be interested in DNP online programs in nursing leadership because this type of study allows you to stay at home and work your study around your family commitments. Now you’ve got a better idea of where you want to go, here are some tips to help you juggle your new founded career and family more successfully. Tips on Balancing Career and Family Do you think you can handle being a mom with a career? There are plenty of women who do it very successfully, so how hard can it be? Here are some tips that might make it a little easier.
One last thing to remember, you might enjoy your new found freedom and challenge in your life but don’t let it stand in the way of spending time with your children and partner. If you’re starting to feel over-extended or over-worked, don’t be afraid to ask for help. |
May 2022
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