![]() I don't know how to tell you this, but the truth is, your neurodiversity movement is making me really fucking angry. Oh, looky there, I guess I did know how to tell you. Things that don't make me angry: Wine. Netflix. Sleep. Reading. Things that enrage me: Internet assholes telling me I am hurting my child because I refuse to celebrate her disorder. When I log on so many tell me over and over that I am hurting my girl by not allowing her autism to shine. By "shine" do you mean allow her to become so agitated by confusing and overwhelming sensations that she cry and lash out? If she had diabetes should I let it fucking shine. Should her milk allergy be allowed to shine? What about her love of biting assholes like you? Well, yes, maybe you've got something there. I know so many of you want me to embrace her autism. Celebrate it, even. This really only serves to frustrate me. If you're coming from a good place when you write to me, I usually can see that right away. I understand that and I simple delete the message because we shall agree to disagree. If you're attacking me, as many of you do, I get pissed and here's what I want you to know. My daughter has a disability and I cannot transcend that fact with positive thinking about different operating systems and feel good stories about the school basketball team's quirky manager. Nor can many of you. You know pity porn when you see it. But, you still insist that autism is not a disorder, but a gift. I am not afraid to say that if you've been lightly affected by autism; If your autism is of the so-called high-functioning variety (and my own daughter's may very well be) than bully for you that you can write about how fucking amazing autism is for you. This is not the case for everyone. Is self-injurious behaviour a gift? Is fecal-smearing a gift? Is being lonely, afraid and confused a gift? I won't be bullied into the neurodiversity movement. When you attempt that you marginalize so many.
S. Griffin
11/12/2015 07:53:21 am
I can so relate and agree with you. My son is 25 and he is miserable that his life is not what he wants it to be nor will it ever be. He may never hold a job that is meaningful for him and he will never be self-supporting or totally independent. He has anxiety, depression, OCD, self-injurious behaviors, and repetitive behaviors that he cannot control. How does one celebrate all of that? We've tried every therapy known to man in his 25 years and we continue the fight. But this is a fight against autism not for it. Those high on the spectrum can celebrate their uniqueness but they should stop telling the rest of us that we should love autism. Autism sucks for most of us.
Trisha searls
11/12/2015 08:13:41 am
I love you. This is awesome. I personally have never dealt with autism but I do have a sister who's 51 who thinks like an 8th grader and I have O.I. (Brittle bone disease) so I've dealt with ding dongs a lot. You keep writing and being who you are. Fuck everybody else.
11/12/2015 08:33:38 am
I think you and your family ROCK. I love that you and your husband stay the course and don't cave to other individuals who obviously have something wrong with them in trying to dictate to y'all.
11/12/2015 10:29:54 am
Autism isn't a fucking gift and I don't want to celebrate it. I want to choke the living shit out of it.
Emma Martin
11/12/2015 12:16:42 pm
Go you tell it how it is. A lady after my own heart :-)
11/12/2015 07:57:52 pm
And you are not alone
11/13/2015 07:59:40 am
I can relate on so many levels. I, myself, have a 13 year old, low functioning, autistic son!
Not gonna say
11/13/2015 10:26:16 am
I must say, you've got guts!! I couldn't agree with you more, but I know the ND crowd can be hateful when faced with truths like this so I'm not strong enough to say it publically. You have my admiration and my support; I don't have your courage!
11/13/2015 12:33:02 pm
I am a 44 year old male with Autism/Asperger's/PDD-NOS who agrees with this blog entry completely! Those people you speak of are truly delusional!
11/13/2015 07:58:36 pm
Do you embrace the check you receive for your child.?
12/21/2015 11:59:52 am
So go write your own posts on your own SPECIAL blog and all the ignorant arseholes can go read it and pat you on the back for being such a wonderful grandmother. Right? 😊
Someone who gets it
12/18/2015 11:57:45 pm
^ Very Ignorant. Ignore those comments. It's too bad that we just can't hug the stupid out of people...Kate's lucky to have you as her mommy 💜
anonymous (professional reasons)
12/22/2015 07:41:03 pm
Thankyou for writing this. Thank you for your blog! Im neurotypical and its only through work that I have a lot of experience of supporting people with autism (completely different to parenting and family/self I recognise) I read the comment above,about controlling the "outbreaks" and was amazed at how little some people know and accept. So much that a person with autism does and understand cannot be controlled. And a hug doesnt cure autism,or stop whatever triggered someone to meltdown,and often wouldnt be welcome. It seems awful to me to read this blog that seems so honest and be negative to the writer. Ive seen some brilliant stuff online,families who are supporting thier children in the way that seems best and are learning with them while supporting each other. And now ive seen some stupid comments too. I douby many people would be suprised that a child easily calmed with a cuddle or a distraction,is a xhild without a diagnosis of autism/developmental disorder. Not that diagnois is everything..but really,if you cant say anything nice...! Thanks for writing this Team Kate,really resonates.
2/9/2016 07:28:59 am
Whaaat? Hugging an autistic child? Uh... no! I am a 32 year old with Aspergers syndrome from Australia & you seriously need to contact me so I can personally tell you how awesome you are, & that any way you decide to bring up your child is the "right way". Because if you give love to your child (whether autistic or not) I don't care, your child knows! I'm telling you from experience! It matters. And your child knows!
2/9/2016 07:32:02 am
5/9/2016 02:05:12 pm
Just came across your blog (binge reading) and can't resist sending you a virtual salute for this post.
Jeffrey Loh
8/21/2016 05:13:25 am
Any body tells me autism is a gift , plse contact me at the email and u can have a 13 year old boy as my gift to u.
11/6/2016 06:10:59 am
I wish you every moment of peace you can possibly get. Just got an asd diagnosis for my 3yo.
2/11/2017 08:20:34 am
Most of the people who say that are Autistic themselves, actually.
2/10/2017 09:54:17 pm
My 2 year old has autism. It fucking sucks. I know I have a long road ahead of me and it just fucking sucks. She's not affectionate, she doesn't talk or make eye contact, she doesn't understand directions or respond to her name. She is more like a house cat than a child. It's so unfair because she was wanted. She was planned. I took amazing care of my body while pregnant. My husband and I waited until we were in a good place financially and emotionally to try to conceive. We did everything fucking right. I had a really rough day today and I just wanted you to know that you're not alone. Fuck autism. Fuck this unfair bullshit we have to go through every single day.
6/19/2017 11:54:01 am
You aren't entitled to a nondisavled child. If you weren't prepared to care for a severely disabled child you should have never gotten pregnant. Plenty of disorders have no prenatal tests or can be caused by injuries during or after birth. You should have never had children.
2/11/2017 08:19:24 am
How you speak to Autistic adults is how you ask others to treat your child.
Autism is one of the most annoying things I have ever had to deal with. Sure, "it's just as hard for them as it is for us"
6/19/2017 11:59:09 am
So you see children with autism as lying misbehave brats who chose to behave badly? My low functioning sister didn't chose to have her disorder. As much as she annoys me at times, her life is far harder than mine will ever be. Holding her to normal standards is impossible. Her brain is broken, and your inability to recognize disablities other than physical ones is absolutely repulsive. She is congratuled for the thibgs that come easy to most people because they are very hard for her. I hope to God you don't have contact with any autistic people, because your attitude towards them sounds abusive.
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